Pet Hazards to Avoid This Holiday Season
During the holiday season, many of us create a festive and inviting atmosphere in our homes. However, some of these decorations and other holiday essentials may be hazardous to pets. It’s important for pet owners to know what types of holiday decorations can be dangerous for their furry friends so that they can keep their animal companions safe this holiday season. At VetCheck Pet Urgent Care Center, we don’t want your pet to experience an emergency during the holidays. That’s why we’re sharing some of the most common hazards and how to avoid them.
Tinsel & String Lights
Tinsel and string lights are common holiday decorations that can pose a risk to pets if left unsupervised. If ingested, tinsel and string lights can cause blockages or injuries in your pet’s digestive system. Avoid these decorations, or make sure they are hung up high enough that your pet cannot reach them. Additionally, remember to unplug any string lights before leaving home or going to bed since they pose a risk of electric shock.
Holiday Plants
Poinsettias, mistletoe, holly, and other popular holiday plants can be toxic if ingested by pets. Keep all holiday plants out of reach or consider using artificial plants as an alternative that won’t pose a threat to your pet’s health. If your your pet does ingest a potentially hazardous plant this holiday season, please contact us right away—even if they are not showing symptoms. In poisoning cases, time is of the essence. The damage may already be quite severe by the time symptoms present.
Table Settings & Cleaning Supplies
Be mindful when setting the table for your holiday gathering. Keep dishes and sharp utensils away from the edge of the table to avoid accidents. Take extra care when setting up your meal, too, since food items with sharp edges such as bones and toothpicks should never be within reach of pets.
Similarly, look out for any cleaning products that you may use before a party or while tidying up after guests; make sure all cleaning agents are securely stored in closed cabinets or containers when not in use so that curious pets won’t come into contact with them when you aren’t paying attention.
Closing Thoughts from Your Pet’s Veterinarian in Carmel
With just a few simple precautions, you can ensure that your furry friend is safe throughout the holidays. That way, everyone in your family—including your pet(s)—can have a happy and healthy holiday season.